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Abnormal Pap Smear

An abnormal Pap smear may result from cancerous cells. It might also occur due to other vaginal or cervical abnormalities, such as inflammation and dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells). The common causes of inflammation are yeast infection, viruses, bacteria, trichomoniasis infections, medicines, certain chemicals, pregnancy, hormones, and miscarriage or abortion.


What is a pap smear?

A Pap smear refers to a screening procedure used to remove and examine the obtained cells from the cervix under a microscope to look for signs of inflammation, infection, abnormal cells, or cancer. This test, usually done alongside a pelvic exam, can help detect changes that could cause invasive cancer.


In most cases, abnormal Pap smear indicates cervical pre-cancerous irregularity. These abnormalities result from human papillomavirus (HPV), a common infection affecting 60 to 70% of women and men at a certain point in life. While the majority of women (about 95%) will naturally clear the virus through their immune system, it can sometimes persist and lead to abnormal smear results.

Apart from HPV, other causes of abnormal Pap tests include:

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), like herpes or trichomoniasis
  • Bacterial or yeast infections
  • Inflammation around the pelvic region
  • Typical cellular changes associated with aging
  • Pre-cancerous changes (like cervical dysplasia) that may resolve on their own


Certain health problems that lead to abnormal Pap smear results can cause uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Pain, burning or itchiness in the genital area during sex or urination
  • Unusual discharge from the vagina
  • Sores, rashes, warts, or bumps in the genital region
  • Vaginal discomfort or soreness

If you experience these or other uncommon symptoms, it’s important to consult a physician right away. It’s also advisable to avoid sexual activity till you’ve been properly diagnosed and treated since these could indicate an STI.


If cervical cancer is suspected after an abnormal Pap smear, the doctor may conduct a colposcopy, which uses an illuminated magnifying lens to check the cervix and vagina. A Schiller test that involves coating the cervix using an iodine solution may also be done. While the healthy cells absorb the iodine and turn brown, abnormal cells will retain their white or yellow color.

If abnormalities are found, a biopsy, in which small cervical tissue samples are removed for examination, may be ordered. A biopsy is the only definitive way to determine if the abnormal cells are cancerous.

The physician may also recommend additional tests, such as screening for HPV or other STIs, along with follow-up Pap smears.



An abnormal Pap smear might not always require further testing or treatment. If needed, we provide comprehensive gynecological care at Our

multidisciplinary team specializes in:

  • Treatment and management of sexually transmitted infections
  • Vaginal infection treatments
  • Cervical cancer treatment and prevention approaches

Learning that a smear test result is abnormal can be stressful, but rest assured, you’re in good hands with us. The good news is that the treatment is easy, straightforward, and usually 95% successful. Most importantly, your examination will be conducted in a comfortable and private room at our advanced clinic in London.