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Fertility Check

At, we provide a variety of simple fertility checks designed to examine your reproductive health and find any underlying fertility problems that may be impacting your ability to conceive.

Our male and female fertility tests include the following:

  • Fertility health check-up: A comprehensive assessment of your fertility health.
  • Preconception program: A tailored approach to optimize your health for a successful pregnancy.
  • Semen analysis: An evaluation of sperm quality and its odds for conception.
  • Spermcomet: A specialized test to analyze sperm quality and DNA integrity.
  • HyCoSy: A diagnostic test to determine if your fallopian tubes are open and the eggs can travel freely.
  • Follicular tracking: Ultrasound monitoring of your cycle to identify the best time for conception.
  • Early pregnancy wellbeing package: Includes a pregnancy scan and expert consultation to get reassurance during the early stages of pregnancy.

If you’ve been attempting to get pregnant for 12 months or longer (or 6 months if you’re above 35 years), we recommend scheduling an appointment with a fertility consultant to arrange for appropriate testing.


Additional fertility tests for women

Fertility tests enable you to understand your ability to conceive, with each test giving insights into different aspects of your reproductive health. It’s thus important to choose the right test based on your specific situation.

  • Progesterone test: If you’re worried about whether you still ovulate, a progesterone test is the best option. It should be taken 7 days before your next period starts. This test is ideal for those with regular cycles, as it allows you to determine the right time for testing.
  • AMH test (anti-mullerian hormone): If you’re looking to assess your ovarian reserve (the number of eggs left in your ovaries) or AMH levels in your bloodstream, an AMH test is ideal. This test is particularly useful for those considering egg freezing or starting IVF treatment. It can be done at any point during your cycle.
  • PCOS test: For women with irregular periods, a PCOS test can help determine if you have polycystic ovary syndrome. The test measures testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels, and the free androgen index (FAI). This condition can make it harder to conceive naturally, so finding out whether you have it can help in making decisions about fertility treatments.
  • Pituitary hormones test: This test measures the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin in the body. Knowing these hormone levels can help identify potential issues affecting your fertility.

What should you expect during your fertility check-up?

A fertility check-up involves a series of tests that provide essential insights into your reproductive health, even if starting a family isn’t your immediate plan. For some women, it can highlight the need for fertility treatment, while for others, it offers guidance on whether to delay conception or consider egg freezing for the future. Whatever your situation, we’re here to support you.

Fertility health involves a range of factors. Therefore, our process begins with knowing you. During the initial consultation—either remotely or in person—we will review your medical history. This also includes discussing relevant aspects such as family history, past medical conditions, and any significant travel history.

After the consultation, your specialist will arrange a number of tests to assess your fertility. If specific concerns arise from your medical history, additional screening tests may be recommended.

Generally, our goal at is to provide you with the knowledge and options to help you make informed decisions regarding your fertility journey.