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Outpatient Hysteroscopy BOOK AN APPOINMENT 020 3475 8419

Outpatient Hysteroscopy

An outpatient hysterectomy involves an examination of particular symptoms without the use of a general anesthetic. It is normally done to examine the cervix and uterus for abnormalities. At, we provide outpatient hysterectomy services for all women, including consultation and examination.

In general, an outpatient hysteroscopy is recommended for women experiencing the following:

  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Missing IUD or coil threads
  • Small uterine polyps
  • Breakthrough bleeding while on HRT or contraceptive pills

What Does Outpatient Hysterectomy Involve?

An outpatient hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure conducted in a clinic treatment room. It normally lasts 5 to 30 minutes.

During the procedure, a small, tiny, lighted tube attached to a camera (hysteroscope) is gently inserted into the vagina and passed through the cervix. The camera transmits live images to a monitor or screen, allowing the gynaecologist to examine the uterus.

A small tissue sample (biopsy) may be removed from the uterine lining for further analysis. Minor polyps may be taken out during the procedure, and coils can also be inserted or removed if needed.

Since general anesthesia is not required, patients can usually leave the clinic about 30 minutes after the procedure.

How to Prepare for an Outpatient Hysteroscopy Procedure

Our specialists recommend that you take a pain reliever, like 1g of paracetamol or 400mg of ibuprofen, approximately 30 minutes before the appointment.

It’s also advisable to arrange for someone to accompany you. While you may prefer to undergo the procedure alone, having someone to drive you back home is beneficial.

What to Expect After the Procedure

Certain health problems that lead to abnormal Pap smear results can cause uncomfortable symptoms, including:

Following the hysteroscopy, you may experience:

  • Mild, period-like cramps
  • Light bleeding, similar to a light menstrual period

Overall, outpatient hysteroscopy offers a quick and effective solution for all women with uterus-related problems. Reach out or visit our London clinic today to book an appointment with our consultant gynecologist.